Hard­ings Lawyers inte­grate with Swaab

Wel­come! The team at Hard­ings Lawyers thank you for your con­tin­ued sup­port and would like to share with you some excit­ing news, we have now inte­grat­ed with Swaab 

Hard­ings Lawyers inte­grate with Swaab (from 1 July 2020)

I have been high­ly impressed by the ener­gy and com­mit­ment to client ser­vice demon­strat­ed by the Swaab team. 

Cul­tur­al­ly, our two firms oper­ate in a very sim­i­lar way, and I am con­fi­dent that our prac­ti­tion­ers will come togeth­er as one team seam­less­ly. This new ven­ture offers our clients access to greater depth and breadth of exper­tise and gives our peo­ple more var­ied career and pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment opportunities. 

I am look­ing for­ward to the future and the oppor­tu­ni­ties it presents. Now more than ever, the inte­gra­tion demon­strates an ever-grow­ing demand in the mar­ket place for law firms who place client suc­cess and a com­mit­ment to nur­tur­ing long-term client rela­tion­ships at the core of their busi­ness,” said Michael Tree­by, Part­ner Hard­ings Lawyers.

Thank you

Michael Tree­by — Partner

Col­in Skel­ton — Consultant

Lynette Har­ri­son — Spe­cial Counsel

Vik­ki Kopp — Solicitor

Rebec­ca Priem — Solicitor


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