About Us


We solve prob­lems and help you max­imise oppor­tu­ni­ties. We’re Lawyers that take you and your busi­ness needs seri­ous­ly — what ever they are. We’re not here to tell you about legal tech­ni­cal­i­ties. We put our­selves in your shoes, have fear­less con­ver­sa­tions to under­stand what you real­ly want to achieve and act as your busi­ness part­ner to help you reach your goals. Doing some­thing every­day to help oth­ers, there is no greater call­ing than to pro­vide ser­vice to others.

Swaab Brand of Ser­vice — what we pride our­selves on

Our back­ground

Swaab was estab­lished by Fredrick Swaab, in Syd­ney, Aus­tralia, in 1981 and has grown to become a haven for inno­va­tion, entre­pre­neur­ship, fam­i­ly busi­ness, small to medi­um enter­pris­es, cor­po­rates, high-net-worth indi­vid­u­als, and gov­ern­ment clients. We hold a unique posi­tion in the mar­ket­place, as a firm with both full-ser­vice Com­mer­cial and Fam­i­ly law offerings.

Our suc­cess comes from putting our peo­ple and clients first by liv­ing our val­ues of Com­mit­ment, Integri­ty, Excel­lence, Gen­eros­i­ty of Spir­it, Uni­ty, and Inno­va­tion. Our strong and endur­ing cul­ture results from devel­op­ing and nur­tur­ing long-term client relationships. 

Our Lawyers and staff have stud­ied Law, Account­ing, Arts, Biol­o­gy, Broad­cast­ing, Busi­ness, Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Con­veyanc­ing, Data Ana­lyt­ics, Eco­nom­ics, Edu­ca­tion, Engi­neer­ing, Eng­lish Lit­er­a­ture, Finance, Gov­er­nance, Hos­pi­tal­i­ty, Human Resources, Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy, Mar­ket­ing, Man­age­ment, Media, Music, Nurs­ing, and Sci­ence to name a few.

Most of our lawyers are award-win­ning and accred­it­ed spe­cial­ists with deep exper­tise in their cho­sen fields.

Gen­eros­i­ty of Spirit

We often get asked what is meant by Gen­eros­i­ty of Spir­it, which is one of our core val­ues and the fir­m’s tag-line. The answer is both sim­ple and com­plex depend­ing on your indi­vid­ual sit­u­a­tion. It is the Swaab ethos, our char­ac­ter or per­son­al­i­ty, it can be dis­tin­guished by our sen­ti­ment, moral nature, or guid­ing beliefs as legal prac­ti­tion­ers and col­lec­tive­ly as a firm. It is embod­ied in our Swaab Brand of Ser­vice (SBoS) and in the way we approach our long stand­ing client rela­tion­ships and pro­fes­sion­al net­works. Our clients say we are good lis­ten­ers, we show empa­thy, exceed their expec­ta­tions, keep our promis­es, share insights, and invest both time and knowl­edge which leads to them achiev­ing remark­able out­comes, col­lec­tive­ly this is known as Gen­eros­i­ty of Spirit’.

Swaab has been by far the best in terms of advice, per­for­mance, and trust.”

They were flex­i­ble (I’m based in Lon­don) and communicative.”

The part­ner I deal with is an out­stand­ing lawyer, he is respon­sive, knowl­edge­able, and good fun.”

My per­son­al expe­ri­ence of legal require­ments for the busi­ness has always been pro­fes­sion­al and a clear under­stand­ing of our requirements.”

Very kind and help­ful team, and very responsive.”

I deal with Swaab over mul­ti­ple dis­ci­plines; prop­er­ty, lit­i­ga­tion, and employment.”

Very respon­sive under­stands my busi­ness, great tech­ni­cal advice — not always what we want to hear but right advice and then pro­vides guid­ance on next steps, easy to con­tact, and responds with­in timeframes.”

I have worked with my team for 3 years now, I always find them respon­sive with a think out­side the box’ atti­tude to han­dling and reach­ing an agree­ment. Noth­ing is ever too dif­fi­cult, nor can’t be fixed. They are 100% the best law firm we work with.”

Indus­try sectors

Hav­ing ser­vice at our core means we are acces­si­ble, down to earth, and com­mu­ni­cate in plain Eng­lish. No mat­ter your issue, we’re just a phone call away. Our core indus­tries sec­tors we serve include:

  • Hotels & Hospitality
  • Ener­gy & Nat­ur­al Resources
  • Finan­cial Services
  • Health­care & Allied Health 
  • Man­u­fac­tur­ing & Industrials 
  • Pri­vate Clients & Fam­i­ly Businesses 
  • Real Estate & Construction 
  • Tech­nol­o­gy & Media 
  • Retail & Wholesale 
  • Ser­vices Pro­fes­sion­al & Non-professional