
What’s On?

Peo­ple do busi­ness with peo­ple they like, so come join us, get inspired, learn, share and build new relationships. 

Jul 23, 2024

Design and Build­ing Prac­ti­tion­ers (DBP) Act and relat­ed reg­u­la­tions and its impact on stra­ta-build­ing reme­di­al works webinar

Deb Lockart of RHM Con­sul­tants and Helen Kow­al of Swaab will encore their pre­sen­ta­tion on the DBP and relat­ed reg­u­la­tion of the reme­di­al industry. Learn what’s been achieved and hear their insights. Sig­nif­i­cant mile­stones have been achieved through the reme­di­al gov­ern­ment con­sul­ta­tion process and they will share these con­sul­ta­tion outcomes. This webi­nar will be of inter­est to: • Res­i­dents • Stra­ta com­mit­tee members  • Build­ing man­agers and stra­ta man­ag­ing agents Reg­is­ter here

OCN Members and non-members

May 21, 2024

Helen Kow­al — The chang­ing leg­isla­tive land­scape and the reme­di­al industry

Descrip­tion This is an out­stand­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty for ACRA mem­bers to hear from ACRA mem­ber and lawyer, Helen Kow­al — Part­ner, Swaab, about leg­isla­tive change and how this is impact­ing our industry. AboutACRA is grate­ful to be work­ing with Helen Kow­al, in her capac­i­ty as ACRA Advo­ca­cy Com­mit­tee mem­ber, forg­ing change for the reme­di­al build­ing industry. Helen’s pre­sen­ta­tion will pro­vide insights into the key leg­is­la­tion impact­ing the stra­ta-reme­di­al build­ing indus­try. She will pro­vide a lawyer’s per­spec­tive of the DBP 2020 and the Res­i­den­tial Apart­ment Build­ings Act (2020). Her pre­sen­ta­tion will also talk about leg­isla­tive reform and the pro­posed impacts of the Build­ing Bill 2022, Build­ing Com­pli­ance and Enforce­ment Bill 2022, Stra­ta Schemes Man­age­ment Act 2015. We must main­tain an aware­ness of the chang­ing leg­isla­tive land­scape in assur­ing the future suc­cess of our reme­di­al busi­ness­es and the indus­try more broadly. Who should attend?ACRA rec­om­mends this update for Reg­is­tered Design and Build­ing Practitioners. Who should attend?ACRA rec­om­mends this update for Reg­is­tered Design and Build­ing Practitioners. ACRA Mem­bers will have exclu­sive access to tick­ets until 6 MayACRA Non-Mem­bers will be able to pur­chase tick­ets from 7 May unless sold out ear­li­er and lim­it­ed tick­ets are available. In-per­son pre­sen­ta­tion and net­work­ing (light break­fast provided) Reg­is­ter Now — Click Here We look for­ward to see­ing you there

More Information

May 30, 2023

Con­struc­tion Indus­try Outlook

Mec­ca has brought togeth­er a pan­el of indus­try, engi­neer­ing, and legal experts for a webi­nar ses­sion, which will have a close look at the impor­tant fac­tors that will impact the per­for­mance of busi­ness­es with­in the con­struc­tion sec­tor over the next 2 – 3 years. Our expert pan­el will present their views, take your ques­tions, and pro­vide advice on how to mit­i­gate the impact of these exter­nal imped­i­ments and con­straints on your business. You will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to ques­tion the experts on: Indus­try Out­look — includ­ing sup­ply chain and labour mar­ket impactsCladding and Fire risk update — State by StateWater­proof­ing & weath­er­proof­ing defects (for facades and windows)BCA changes in reg­u­la­tions and codes — acces­si­bil­i­ty, ener­gy effi­cien­cy and build­ing mate­ri­als and fire safe­ty – how will you be impactedReg­u­la­to­ry Reform in NSW (update on Design & Build­ing Prac­ti­tion­ers Act 2020 and the Res­i­den­tial Apart­ment Build­ings (Com­pli­ance and Enforce­ment Pow­ers) Act 2020Deal­ing with a pletho­ra of reg­u­la­tions and paper­work and how to copeMeet the Experts Helen Kow­al | Swaab Lawyers, Plus: Eliz­a­beth Brooks | Lan­der and Rogers, Lind­say Beard | Prin­ci­pal at Design Con­fi­dence, Peter Kar­sia | Façade Engi­neer, Geoff Han­mer | Ari­na Architects To pur­chase your tick­et click here

Still available

May 18, 2023

Asso­ci­a­tion of Cor­po­rate Coun­sel — 2023 Inhouse Coun­sel Day

Nicholas Dale — Part­ner, Lit­i­ga­tion & Insol­ven­cy, will be speak­ing at the upcom­ing Asso­ci­a­tion of Cor­po­rate Coun­sel Aus­tralia 2023 NSW In-House Coun­sel Day in Syd­ney, on the top­ic of,​‘Nav­i­gat­ing an uncer­tain econ­o­my: sail­ing the seas of insol­ven­cy’ Nick will be co-pre­sen­t­ing with Karen Petch a com­mer­cial Bar­ris­ter in insol­ven­cy and cor­po­ra­tions law. #byin­house #ihcd23http://​ow​.ly/​F​V​3​j​5​0​Ok1Ts

Nov 23, 2022

FBA NSW Cel­e­brate: End of Year Net­work­ing Event 2022

We invite you to FBA’s Cel­e­brate Event – our final offi­cial event for 2022 on Wednes­day, 23 Novem­ber. Bring­ing togeth­er the FBA NSW com­mu­ni­ty, this is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to raise a glass and toast, with your fam­i­ly busi­ness peers, to all your col­lec­tive achievements. This event has become one of the most pop­u­lar and antic­i­pat­ed in the NSW cal­en­dar and again will be host­ed by Swaab, an estab­lished Syd­ney law firm with over 40 years of expe­ri­ence spe­cial­is­ing in estate plan­ning & fam­i­ly law. Join us at their mid-city venue’s unique open air-ter­race for drinks and canapés. We are pleased to be able to make this year’s event com­pli­men­ta­ry for mem­bers as a way of say­ing thank you for remain­ing an impor­tant part of our com­mu­ni­ty. There are lim­it­ed spots so make sure you reg­is­ter today to reserve your space. We hope to see you at our NSW Cel­e­brate Event to hon­our the resilient fam­i­ly busi­ness spir­it as we look for­ward to a brighter 2023.

FBA Members Only

Oct 11, 2022

NSW: Labor Gov­ern­ment IR changes roundtable

With a new Labor gov­ern­ment elect­ed, and the recent Jobs Sum­mit, employ­ment law reform is firm­ly on the agen­da. Will there be a new IR Bill? Do Gig work­ers need addi­tion­al pro­tec­tions? What does a more broad imple­men­ta­tion of the Respect@Work rec­om­men­da­tions mean for your work­place? Will parental leave change? Employ­ment law expert Michael Byrnes will dis­cuss these ques­tions and what else the new gov­ern­ment might have in store to shake up employ­ment rela­tions and cre­ate more jobs. Join us for a round­table lunch at Swaab’s offices mod­er­at­ed by Sales­force Senior Direc­tor of Glob­al Employ­ment Law, Lori Middlehurst.

ACC Members Only