
Swaab CEO fea­tured in Lawyers Week­ly on suc­ces­sion planning

Swaab CEO, Bron­wyn Pott has been fea­tured in Lawyers Week­ly dis­cussing the impor­tance of suc­ces­sion planning.

Swaab CEO, Bron­wyn Pott has been fea­tured in Lawyers Week­ly dis­cussing the impor­tance of ear­ly action when it comes to suc­ces­sion plan­ning in bou­tique firms. Bron­wyn talks about her own expe­ri­ence at Swaab in man­ag­ing a suc­cess­ful pipeline of tal­ent with­in the firm.

Bron­wyn will be par­tak­ing in the Busi­ness Suc­ces­sion Round­table as part of the CLE by the Sea work­shop in Coffs Har­bour from 7 to 8 July.

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