
Swaab takes out ALP­MA inno­va­tion award

Swaab Attor­neys has tak­en out the 2012 Aus­tralasian Legal Prac­tice Man­age­ment Asso­ci­a­tion (ALP­MA) Inno­va­tion Award.

Swaab Attor­neys has tak­en out the 2012 Aus­tralasian Legal Prac­tice Man­age­ment Asso­ci­a­tion (ALP­MA) Inno­va­tion Award.

ALP­MA award­ed the firm for their abil­i­ty to always do things a bit dif­fer­ent­ly” and for being at the fore­front of man­age­ment think­ing”. The award recog­nised the fir­m’s achieve­ments on both an employ­ee and prac­tice man­age­ment front, cit­ing the fir­m’s inclu­sion on the BRW Great Place to Work List for the fourth con­sec­u­tive year and their efforts to improve work­ing on the go” by intro­duc­ing iPads to all man­age­ment and legal staff.

Bron­wyn Pott the fir­m’s CEO was on hand to col­lect the award. We are very excit­ed about this par­tic­u­lar award as inno­va­tion is one of our 6 core val­ues and some­thing we put con­sid­er­able effort into. While we don’t con­strain our­selves to the pro­fes­sion when we look for a bet­ter way’ to do things, it’s very reward­ing to be recog­nised by our peers in this regard”.

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