
Pre­vi­ous newsletters

Swaab Con­nect — April 2019

In this edi­tion of Swaab Con­nect we wel­come new Part­ner, Helen Kow­al to our Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects team. Part­ner, Angela Har­vey dis­cuss­es the impor­tance of safe­guard­ing your Will and Part­ner, Richard Ott­ley dis­cuss­es a recent deci­sion in the Fair Work Com­mis­sion that has shone a light on a dilem­ma which employ­ers face when man­ag­ing redun­dan­cies. Also in this edi­tion, with manda­to­ry e‑conveyancing fast approach­ing, pri­or­i­ty notices will be a use­ful tool in the respon­si­ble e‑conveyancer’s armoury. Senior Asso­ciate, Daniel Ken­twell and Solic­i­tor, Car­ly Howard explore the legal and prac­ti­cal effects that have left many scratch­ing their heads.
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Swaab Con­nect — March 2019

In this edi­tion of Swaab Con­nect we cel­e­brate Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day 2019 with an arti­cle by Nicole Cini, Kate­ri­na Lon­er­gan, Esther Khoo, Nicole Pozovsky and Monique Robb where they share their relec­tions as (female) lawyers. Michael Byrnes is fea­tured in The Keep pod­cast and dis­cuss­es cul­ture change and how to empow­er employ­ees. We also share three arti­cles this month, ​‘Mur­der and inher­i­tance — the $40 bot­tle of wine sto­ry’, ​‘An employ­ment and fam­i­ly law guide to fam­i­ly and domes­tic vio­lence in the work­place’ and ​‘Devel­op­ing a shared under­stand­ing of sex­u­al harassment.’
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Swaab Con­nect — Feb­ru­ary 2019

A mes­sage from Man­ag­ing Part­ner, Mary Digiglio leads our Feb­ru­ary edi­tion of Swaab Con­nect as she talks about a year of oppor­tu­ni­ties and growth for 2019. In this issue, we wel­come David Perkins to our Cor­po­rate team and also share a pod­cast fea­tur­ing Senior Asso­ciate, Monique Robb in which she dis­cuss­es how courts bal­ance reli­gious beliefs in parental agree­ments. This issue also fea­tures a blog on Well­ness at Swaab and two arti­cles, one on the use of the anti-bul­ly­ing juris­dic­tion of the Fair Work Com­mis­sion for Sex­u­al Harass­ment mat­ters and the oth­er exam­in­ing the recent High Court deci­sion which ruled that tax debts can be shift­ed between spouses.
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Swaab Con­nect — Jan­u­ary 2019

In our first newslet­ter for 2019 we share use­ful links for those going through sep­a­ra­tion, and a radio inter­view Michael Byrnes con­duct­ed with 2GB and 4BC dis­cussing legal issues aris­ing from the under­pay­ment of staff. Sean Green­wood answers he ques­tion, ​‘when two con­tracts exist, which one is bing­ing?’ in his arti­cle ​‘You say toma­to, I say tom­ah­to’ and Nicole Cini reflects in the social, legal and polit­i­cal issues that defined 2018 for Aus­tralian women in the work­place. Also in this edi­tion, Monique Robb dis­cuss­es infor­mal prop­er­ty set­tle­ments in the fam­i­ly court.
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Swaab Con­nect — Decem­ber 2018

In our final edi­tion for 2018, Richard Ott­ley and Nicole Cini share Mod­ern Award changes for 2018/2019 and the impli­ca­tions for employ­ers. Car­o­line Bass and Nicole Pozovsky explain what is pri­vate and what can be pub­lished sur­round­ing Fam­i­ly Law pro­ceed­ings and Sean Green­wood exam­ines the use of statu­to­ry demands in resolv­ing a dis­pute in the arti­cle ​‘Til Debt Do Us Part’. In this newslet­ter we also cel­e­brate the Fam­i­ly Law team who have been recog­nised by Doyle’s Guide in a num­ber of cat­e­gories and share news of a glob­al acqui­si­tion in which the team at Swaab assist­ed in.
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Swaab Con­nect — Novem­ber 2018

In this issue, Sean Green­wood exam­ines adverse pos­ses­sion also known as ​‘squat­ters’ rights’ in his arti­cle, ​‘Use it or lose it’. Michael Byrnes shares lessons for employ­ers and employ­ees sur­round­ing social media use in his arti­cle ​‘Reheat­ed Retweets’ and in ​‘The ABC of CGT’ Annette Wil­son and Kate­ri­na Lon­er­gan demon­strate how the court may take into account Cap­i­tal Gains Tax in fam­i­ly law prop­er­ty set­tle­ments. We also share a sum­ma­ry and pho­tos from the Inau­gur­al Fred Swaab Address as well as news regard­ing Man­ag­ing Part­ner, Mary Digiglio’s appoint­ment as a Pay Equi­ty Ambas­sador by the Work­place Equi­ty Agency (WGEA). If you’re an employ­er host­ing a work­place Christ­mas par­ty, you may find it valu­able to lis­ten to Michael Byrnes inter­view with radio 2GB and 4BC where he dis­cuss­es the legal issues aris­ing from work­place Christ­mas parties.
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Swaab Con­nect — Octo­ber 2018

Our Octo­ber issue of Swaab Con­nect launch­es the new look of our newslet­ters fol­low­ing the renam­ing of the firm as Swaab and a new look and web­site going live. In this issue, Annette Wil­son and Kate­ri­na Lon­er­gan exam­ine the con­se­quences of fail­ing to dis­close assets in fam­i­ly law pro­ceed­ings, in their arti­cle ​‘Show me the mon­ey’ and Eric Ziehlke explores what Brex­it will mean for trade marks in the UK. In this edi­tion we also share the MER­I­TAS guide, ​‘A Glob­al Roadmap to Per­son­al Data Pro­tec­tion’ and a recent ​‘Mon­ey News’ radio inter­view with Michael Byrnes in which casu­al employ­ment was discussed.
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Swaab Con­nect — August 2018

In this edi­tion of Swaab Con­nect, we cel­e­brate Swaab’s re-cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in Mer­i­tas, a glob­al alliance of inde­pen­dent busi­ness law firms. We also share the pho­tos from our Awe­some Wom­en’s Din­ner, a night to cel­e­brate Syd­ney’s Awe­some Women who are chang­ing the face and focus of our econ­o­my and soci­ety. Also in this edi­tion, Alis­tair Jaque and team high­light 5 things to bear in mind in rela­tion to estab­lish­ment fees from lenders, Michael Byrnes looks at the lat­est con­se­quence of the Wein­stein rev­e­la­tions and the #MeToo move­ment and Sher­lene Heng con­sid­ers alco­hol and its poten­tial impact on par­ent­ing matters. 
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Swaab Con­nect — July 2018

As the school hol­i­days around NSW start, Sher­lene Heng exam­ines how the Fam­i­ly Law Act and the courts deter­mine par­ent­ing arrange­ments dur­ing school hol­i­day time. Michael Byrnes shares two arti­cles this month, first­ly on the recent AHRC report into dis­crim­i­na­tion in employ­ment on the basis of crim­i­nal record and sec­ond­ly the atten­tion an unfair dis­missal case can receive and what employ­ees and employ­ers need to be aware of when bring­ing a mat­ter before the Fair Work Commission.
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Swaab Con­nect — June 2018

This month, we share updates to the GST with­hold­ing régime that com­mence in July 2018, and dis­cuss pri­va­cy fol­low­ing the recent Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion cre­at­ed by the Euro­pean Coun­cil and Par­lia­ment. In this edi­tion, Michael Byrnes shares 3 tips for employ­ers on com­mu­ni­cat­ing ter­mi­na­tion and Sher­lene Heng explains how tax can come into play dur­ing a fam­i­ly law proceeding.
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