
Mary Digiglio inter­viewed by Lawyers Week­ly, Why man­ag­ing part­ners must step up on work­place wellness”

Board mem­bers of Mind Count, Mary Digiglio and Melin­da Upton (DLA Piper), pro­vide com­pelling rea­sons and insights into why being authen­tic and hav­ing a holis­tic approach is crit­i­cal to the pro­fes­sion, a fir­m’s cul­ture and its success. 

In the lead up to Men­tal Health Month, Mary Digiglio and Melin­da Upton (DLA Piper) have been inter­viewed by Lawyers Week­ly about why firm lead­ers need to lead from the front on well­be­ing matters.

The first half of the con­ver­sa­tion can be read here. Part two of the con­ver­sa­tion focus­es on walk­ing the talk, the need for holis­tic approach­es, cater­ing to the needs of juniors and fac­tor­ing in the client per­spec­tive.’ Read part two here.

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