
Mer­i­tas | ANZ Intern­ship Exchange

Mer­i­tas firms Martel­li McK­egg in New Zealand and Swaab in Aus­tralia launch the first Mer­i­tas ANZ Intern­ship Exchange dur­ing the month of June 2019

Solic­i­tors Pierce Bedog­ni of Martel­li McK­egg and John Trinh of Swaab, have swapped firms and coun­tries for two weeks to gain an under­stand­ing and insights into how each oth­ers firms oper­ate and how their legal sys­tems and leg­is­la­tion vary between juris­dic­tions. Man­ag­ing Part­ner, Mary Digiglio said, It is won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty for a solic­i­tor of Swaab to be involved in this Mer­i­tas ANZ ini­tia­tive, and we look for­ward to the ongo­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion with­in the Mer­i­tas network.” 

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