
War­wick Ryan fea­tured in Smart­Com­pa­ny on Fair Work case

Swaab employ­ment law spe­cial­ist War­wick Ryan has been fea­tured in Smart­Com­pa­ny on the recent fair work case involv­ing a Mel­bourne radio sta­tion that must now back-pay two of their for­mer radio pre­sen­ters more than $60,000 in out­stand­ing wages and entitlements.

Swaab employ­ment law spe­cial­ist War­wick Ryan has been fea­tured in Smart­Com­pa­ny on the recent fair work case involv­ing a Mel­bourne radio sta­tion that must now back-pay two of their for­mer radio pre­sen­ters more than $60,000 in out­stand­ing wages and entitlements.

While 3CW Chi­nese Radio Pty Ltd ini­tial­ly main­tained the for­mer pre­sen­ters were vol­un­teers, the Fair Work Ombuds­man has deter­mined they were in fact employees. 


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