
War­wick Ryan fea­tured in Smart­Com­pa­ny on recent debate over Aus­tralia will end up like Greece” comment’

Fol­low­ing the release of the Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty Com­mis­sion draft report on the work­place rela­tions frame­work, Don Argus, for­mer chair­man of BHP Bil­li­ton, told Fair­fax media that the Aus­tralian work­place rela­tions sys­tem needs to be improved or the coun­try will end up like Greece”.

Fol­low­ing the release of the Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty Com­mis­sion draft report on the work­place rela­tions frame­work, Don Argus, for­mer chair­man of BHP Bil­li­ton, told Fair­fax media that the Aus­tralian work­place rela­tions sys­tem needs to be improved or the coun­try will end up like Greece”.

The reform sug­gests a change in penal­ty rates, unfair dis­missal laws and the Fair Work Com­mis­sion. Accord­ing to Argus these changes need to hap­pen soon­er rather than lat­er because con­ta­gion will shift very quick­ly”.

Employ­ment law spe­cial­ist, War­wick Ryan says Where he [Argus] does have a point is this – it is the most con­fus­ing indus­tri­al rela­tions sys­tem in the world, unequiv­o­cal­ly and objec­tive­ly.”.

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