Our Team

John Trinh

Special Counsel
Com­mer­cial, Cor­po­rate, Estate Plan­ning & Wills, Cyber, Fran­chis­ing, Con­test­ed Estates

I am part of the Cor­po­rate and Com­mer­cial and Wills and Estates prac­tice groups.

Pri­or to join­ing Swaab, I was part of the in-house legal team for a con­struc­tion com­pa­ny which helped me devel­op a com­mer­cial and prac­ti­cal approach to advis­ing clients. I also have pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence in com­mer­cial lit­i­ga­tion which assists me in advis­ing clients on ways to effec­tive­ly min­imise their risk while pur­su­ing their com­mer­cial objectives.

I have expe­ri­ence assist­ing clients par­tic­i­pat­ing in state and fed­er­al par­lia­men­tary inquiries includ­ing draft­ing sub­mis­sions and prepar­ing clients for atten­dances before par­lia­men­tary committees.

As part of our Wills and Estates prac­tice, my expe­ri­ence includes the prepa­ra­tion of wills, pow­ers of attor­ney and appoint­ments of endur­ing guardian. I assist clients in obtain­ing grants of pro­bate or let­ters of admin­is­tra­tion and estate admin­is­tra­tion and also act for clients in mat­ters involv­ing con­test­ed grants and fam­i­ly pro­vi­sion claims.


  • Cor­po­rate
  • Com­mer­cial
  • Par­lia­men­tary inquiries
  • Wills and estates
  • Cyber Law

Practice & Industry Sectors

  • Private Client
  • M&A & Private Equity
  • Technology Law


  • Business acquisitions from due diligence to post completion
  • Drafting shareholder agreements, financing and security documents
  • Competition and consumer matters
  • Franchising
  • Drafting submissions and preparing witnesses for state and federal parliamentary inquiries
  • Estate planning and asset protection
  • Probate and estate administration
  • Estate litigation including contested grants and family provision claims

Roles, memberships and education

  • Bachelor of Business (Finance), Bachelor of Laws, University of Technology, 2015
  • Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, 2016
  • Solicitor of the High Court of Australia, 2016


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