
Employ­ment Law Mat­ters fea­tures inter­view with Richard Ottley

Richard Ott­ley pro­vides five pieces of advice to HR pro­fes­sion­als — to what extent can employ­ers insist on ade­quate med­ical information?

Employ­ment Part­ner, Richard Ott­ley was recent­ly inter­viewed by Employ­ment Law Mat­ters sur­round­ing how much med­ical infor­ma­tion a HR pro­fes­sion­al can request.
Read the full arti­cle here where Richard out­lines his top five pieces of advice and some recent cas­es that high­light the issue. Richard also tack­les the increas­ing­ly impor­tant issue of social media in the work­place and whether employ­ers can use social media as evi­dence in court.

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