
Dior admits to hold­ing $260k of Melis­sa Caddick’s stolen funds | Michael Hayter quot­ed in SMH 16 Decem­ber 2022

Swaab Insol­ven­cy Part­ner — Michael Hayter, is quot­ed in a fea­tured arti­cle post­ed on Fri­day 16th Decem­ber 2022 in Sat­ur­day’s Syd­ney Morn­ing Her­ald, deal­ing with the recov­ery of funds held by Chris­t­ian Dior in the mat­ter of Melis­sa Caddick.

A spe­cial thank you to Bruce Glee­son, Daniel Soire and the team at Jones Part­ners for entrust­ing the team at Swaab, head­ed up by Michael Hayter, with all of the legal work in his chal­leng­ing admin­is­tra­tion of Melis­sa Cad­dick. There have been numer­ous suc­cess­ful con­test­ed and uncon­test­ed appli­ca­tions before the Court dur­ing 2022. We hope that 2023 brings even more recov­er­ies to the Receiver­ship and a sub­stan­tial return to investors. Thank you to Kel­lie Van Mun­ster — Senior Asso­ciate, who has assist­ed with the lit­i­ga­tion and Renee Hinkel­bein — Licenced Con­veyancer & Para­le­gal who worked on the sale of the Dover Heights Property.

To read the full arti­cle click here

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