
Michael Byrnes appeared on Chan­nel 7 Sun­rise pro­gram to dis­cuss a recent WFH unfair dis­missal case and the employ­ers use of sur­veil­lance technology

Michael Byrnes appeared on Chan­nel 7 Sun­rise pro­gram this morn­ing, with Natal­ie Barr to dis­cuss the recent­ly pub­lished unfair dis­missal case in which an employ­ee brought a claim against her employ­er after she was ter­mi­nat­ed for not work­ing (when she was sched­uled to work from home). Michael dis­cuss­es the legal rights of employ­ers to use Boss­ware’ tech­nol­o­gy or employ­ee sur­veil­lance tools. This tech­nol­o­gy can come in many forms but is used to achieve one sin­gle out­come: to give employ­ers insight into the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of their employ­ees.

To watch the full seg­ment on Chan­nel 7 Sun­rise pro­gram with Natal­ie Barr click here

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