
Michael Hayter appeared last night on the ABC News 7.30 Report, in an exten­sive inter­view on the need for stronger enforce­ment in the pre-insol­ven­cy industry

Before Richard Lud­wig’s com­pa­ny Cap Coast Tele­com went bust, he and his pre-insol­ven­cy advi­sors smug­gled more than $740,000 out of the busi­ness — ABC News

Michael Hayter appeared last night on the ABC News 7.30 Report, in an exten­sive inter­view on the need for stronger enforce­ment in the pre-insol­ven­cy indus­try. The inter­view relates to the cir­cum­stances in which two pre-insol­ven­cy advi­sors and a direc­tor were con­vict­ed of var­i­ous offens­es and received prison sen­tences after Michael Hayter suc­cess­ful­ly con­duct­ed legal pro­ceed­ings against them on behalf of the liq­uida­tor of Cap Coast Telecom.

To watch the full ABC News 7.30 Report inter­view click here

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