
Swaab in BBC arti­cle on Should anti-tat­too dis­crim­i­na­tion be illegal?’

Swaab employ­ment part­ner Richard Ott­ley’s arti­cle on Can an employ­er ban tat­toos in the work­place?’ has been fea­tured in BBC news mag­a­zine online.

Swaab employ­ment part­ner Richard Ott­ley’s arti­cle on Can an employ­er ban tat­toos in the work­place?’ has been fea­tured in BBC news mag­a­zine online.

Richard’s arti­cle dis­cuss­es whether an employ­er can pre­vent tat­toos and high­lights dif­fer­ent inter­na­tion­al approach­es to tat­toos in the work­place.


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