
Swaab wel­comes new employ­ment lawyer

Swaab appoints new lawyer Lau­ra Sow­den to our employ­ment team.

We are delight­ed to announce the appoint­ment of new lawyer Lau­ra Sow­den to our employ­ment team.

Pri­or to her arrival at Swaab, Lau­ra was Legal Case Man­ag­er in the NSW Appeals Unit at the Fed­er­al Court of Aus­tralia, where she was involved in case man­age­ment, research and pro­vid­ing analy­sis of com­plex appel­late mat­ters, includ­ing employ­ment law matters.

Lau­ra holds a Bach­e­lor of Arts (Hon­ours) and Bach­e­lor of Laws (Hon­ours) from Mac­quar­ie Uni­ver­si­ty and is cur­rent­ly com­plet­ing her PhD in Ancient History.

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