
Pre­vi­ous newsletters

Swaab Con­nect — May 2018

In this, our 100th edi­tion of Swaab Con­nect, we cel­e­brate win­ning the inau­gur­al Mer­i­tas ​‘Inno­vate to Ele­vate’ award. We also cel­e­brate Emma Flem­ing and Cecil­ia Rose and their rank­ings in the Doyle Guide. In this edi­tion, Eric Ziehk­le writes about pro­tect­ing the IP in your web­site and Michael Byrnes exam­ines the first cat­e­go­ry 1 WHS pros­e­cu­tion in NSW.
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Swaab Con­nect — April 2018

In this edi­tion of Swaab Con­nect Richard Ott­ley exam­ines whether, if an employ­ee resigns, can they then with­draw it? Michael Phillips shares part 2 of his arti­cle on Equi­ty Crowd Fund­ing fol­low­ing the CSF Régime which cam into effect on 29 Sep­tem­ber 2017. Employ­ment Part­ner, Michael Byrnes asks What’s in a name? How does a job title effect mod­ern award cov­er­age? We also con­grat­u­late Mary Digiglio and Tony D’Agosti­no on their recent rank­ings in Doyles Guide.
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Swaab Con­nect — March 2018

In this issue Angela Har­vey and Esther Khoo share why you busi­ness needs a com­pa­ny pow­er of attor­ney. Michael Byrnes exam­ines the legal posi­tion of swear­ing in the work­place and Richard Ott­ley writes about what is at stake when fac­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion by the Fair Work Ombudsman.
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Swaab Con­nect — Feb­ru­ary 2018

This month, we wel­come Michael Byrnes, employ­ment part­ner to the firm. We also share two of his arti­cles, ​‘Sex­u­al harass­ment in the post-Wein­stein age — What’s next for employ­ers?’ and ​‘Lack of pro­ce­dur­al fair­ness does­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly mean unfair dis­missal’. Fam­i­ly Law Senior Asso­ciate, Lin­da McGirr writes about how the issue of asset sep­a­ra­tion is dealt with by the court in ​‘It’s mine, I got it after we broke up.’
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