
Michael Byrnes dis­cuss­es with HRM | Can work­places man­date COVID-19 vaccines?

With sev­er­al COVID-19 vac­cines on the hori­zon, employ­ers might want to make them manda­to­ry for all employ­ees. How­ev­er, legal­ly, are they allowed to? 

Work­places are con­tem­plat­ing how to nav­i­gate a vac­cine and the pos­si­bil­i­ty of man­dat­ing it for employ­ees. Because of this, all eyes were on the Fair Work Com­mis­sion as it recent­ly con­sid­ered the case of an ear­ly child­hood teacher who was ter­mi­nat­ed for not get­ting the flu vaccine. 

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