
Swaab acknowl­edged for social media usage in Lawyers Weekly

In a study of 80 Aus­tralian law firms, Swaab has been includ­ed in a select group of law firms util­is­ing four of the five cen­tral social media networks.

In a study of 80 Aus­tralian law firms, Swaab has been includ­ed in a select group of law firms util­is­ing four of the five cen­tral social media net­works. Read the full Lawyers Week­ly Arti­cle on the BRR Media Aus­tralian Legal Sec­tor Social Media Snap­shot.

All depart­ments at Swaab have their own Twit­ter accounts pub­lish­ing impor­tant legal devel­op­ments from with­in their spe­cial­ist areas. To access the Swaab accounts please fol­low the links below.

> Twit­ter
> Face­book

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