
Swaab employ­ment lawyer writes on unfair dis­missal for Char­tered Sec­re­taries magazine

In this arti­cle Ter­mi­nat­ing an employ­ee — reduc­ing the risks of unfair dis­missal claims, employ­ment lawyer Bren­dan Tay­lor exam­ines recent unfair dis­missal cas­es and high­lights the need for employ­ers to keep detailed records and abide by prin­ci­ples of pro­ce­dur­al fairness.

In this arti­cle Ter­mi­nat­ing an employ­ee — reduc­ing the risks of unfair dis­missal claims, employ­ment lawyer Bren­dan Tay­lor exam­ines recent unfair dis­missal cas­es and high­lights the need for employ­ers to keep detailed records and abide by prin­ci­ples of pro­ce­dur­al fairness.

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