Our Team

Ger­ald Carides

Com­mer­cial, Com­mer­cial Finance, Cor­po­rate, Insol­ven­cy

I am a com­mer­cial and cor­po­rate lawyer with exten­sive bank­ing, finance, and secu­ri­ties enforce­ment expe­ri­ence. I am com­mit­ted to tak­ing the nec­es­sary time to ful­ly under­stand my clients’ busi­ness­es and their objec­tives so as to deliv­er time­ly, cost-effec­tive, and com­mer­cial out­comes. I reg­u­lar­ly advise clients on trans­ac­tions that are reg­u­lat­ed by the Cor­po­ra­tions Act and the ASX List­ing Rules.


  • Bank­ing and Finance
  • Merg­ers and acquisitions
  • Share­hold­er and Joint Ven­ture Agreements
  • Per­son­al Prop­er­ty Secu­ri­ties Act
  • Secu­ri­ties Enforcement
  • Insol­ven­cy
  • Com­mer­cial areas
  • Share­hold­er and Part­ner­ship disputes

Practice & Industry Sectors

  • Banking & Finance
  • M&A & Private Equity


I have practiced as a commercial transactional lawyer for over 16 years. I have advised clients in respect of complex and significant-value acquisitions across a wide range of industry sectors including healthcare, real estate, information technology and finance.

I act for small to medium enterprises, listed entities and high net worth individuals in a broad range of transactions, including shareholder and joint venture arrangements, property developments, distribution and manufacturing and licence arrangements.

I also oversee a busy commercial lending practice in which I act for banks and non-bank lenders primarily in trade and receivables finance.

I have particular expertise in respect of the Personal Properties Securities Act and I regularly act for financiers, suppliers and insolvency practitioners on matters concerning its application. I have drafted amendments to the facility and security documents and drafted PPSA compliance manual for a major, national invoice financier. Furthermore, I have acted in only one of two reported decisions in the Federal Court concerning an application to re-instate security interests which had been removed in error from the Personal Property Securities Register.

Roles, memberships and education

  • Bachelor of Arts (major in Law)
  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
  • Speak Greek (limited working proficiency).


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In the News

2023 Cor­po­rate World Cup

Last Fri­day 3 March, a team of eager foot­ballers known as the #swaaberoos, rep­re­sent­ed Swaab at the annu­al Foot­ball Devel­op­ment Aus­trali­a’s 202…
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