
2023 Cor­po­rate World Cup

Last Fri­day 3 March, a team of eager foot­ballers known as the #swaaberoos, rep­re­sent­ed Swaab at the annu­al Foot­ball Devel­op­ment Aus­trali­a’s 2023 Cor­po­rate World Cup, held at UNSW Sport­ing Fields. Swaab’s team com­prised of Ger­ald Carides, Jonathon Youssef, Olivia Hobill Cole, Nathan Davies, Fiona Deng, Sophie Walk­er, Renee Hinkel­bein, William Clement, Alexan­der Leong and Steve Wang. Our cam­paign start­ed well and although the pic­ture on social media shows the team hold­ing the cup, chant­i­ng #itscome­home, it was­n’t to be this year. Well done all for fly­ing the Swaab flag. 

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