Fam­i­ly Law | Accred­it­ed Spe­cial­ists & Doyles Recommended

Help when you need it most


Divorce and sep­a­ra­tion are among life’s most stress­ful events. Sup­port from an expe­ri­enced and accred­it­ed fam­i­ly lawyer can make a world of dif­fer­ence. Hav­ing a ​“High-pow­ered law firm in Syd­ney” as quot­ed in the media, in your cor­ner can deliv­er you the out­come you desire. 

No one can tru­ly pre­pare you for sep­a­ra­tion or divorce, but before you decide on your next step, talk to one of our experts. We have both male and female accred­it­ed spe­cial­ist fam­i­ly lawyers avail­able to help you achieve the best pos­si­ble out­come in your case, whether that involves nego­ti­at­ing a pri­vate set­tle­ment or going to court.

You can sim­ply arrange a time for one of our experts to con­tact you con­fi­den­tial­ly at a time that best suits or you can call us directly.

Call us today: +61 2 9233 5544


  • Divorce
  • Sep­a­ra­tion
  • Prop­er­ty settlements
  • Bind­ing Finan­cial Agree­ments (BFA) includ­ing; pre-nup­tial, post-nup­tial, and de fac­to agreemen
  • Appre­hend­ed Vio­lence Orders and Domes­tic Violence 
  • Asset trac­ing and unrav­el­ing com­plex finan­cial arrange­ments involv­ing part­ner­ships, super­an­nu­a­tion, com­pa­nies, and trusts
  • Par­ent­ing cas­es and child support
  • Relo­ca­tion cases
  • Hague Con­ven­tion cas­es (child abduction)
  • Spouse main­te­nance
  • De fac­to and same-sex cases
  • Appre­hend­ed Vio­lence Orders
  • IVF and surrogacy
  • Adop­tion and guardian­ship applications
  • Dis­put­ed estates
  • Medi­a­tion services
  • Col­lab­o­ra­tive law

More than just fam­i­ly law

As a spe­cialised team with­in a mul­ti-faceted law firm, we also pro­vide in-house exper­tise in many areas which could have a bear­ing on your case, includ­ing prop­er­ty law, con­veyanc­ing, wills and estates, busi­ness law, com­mer­cial law and insolvency. 

Our expe­ri­ence in advis­ing on wills and estates and its rel­e­vance to fam­i­ly law can give you a sig­nif­i­cant advan­tage. What­ev­er your sit­u­a­tion, we can advise you on your rights, help you to nego­ti­ate and make sure you are in the best pos­si­ble posi­tion for what you want to achieve.