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Emma Nichelsen

Senior Associate
Fam­i­ly Law

I have been work­ing exclu­sive­ly in fam­i­ly law since 2016. Hav­ing worked as a Legal Asso­ciate for two Judges of the Fed­er­al Cir­cuit and Fam­i­ly Court of Aus­tralia as well as a solic­i­tor in spe­cial­ist fam­i­ly law teams, I have an in depth under­stand­ing of both lit­i­ga­tion and alter­na­tive dis­pute res­o­lu­tion and how to pur­sue each path­way to my clients’ benefit. 

I prac­tice across Aus­tralia in all areas of fam­i­ly law includ­ing divorce, par­ent­ing and prop­er­ty, child sup­port, finan­cial agree­ments, adop­tion and sur­ro­ga­cy. My goal in all of my mat­ters is to work close­ly with my clients to achieve the best pos­si­ble outcome. 


  • Fam­i­ly Law

Practice & Industry Sectors

  • Private Client


I practice exclusively in Family Law and have experience with a broad range of matters including complex parenting disputes involving family violence and serious allegations of risk, complex financial matters involving asserted trusts and disputed business valuations, and contested adoption and Children's Court matters. I have represented my clients in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia across Division 1, Division 2, and the Appeals Court, the Supreme Court of New South Wales, and the Children's Court, in addition to mediations, arbitrations, and other dispute resolution events. My background and experience makes me a clear and effective communicator and my clients are guaranteed an empathetic but honest approach to any and all issues in their matter.

Roles, memberships, and education:

  • Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
  • Bachelor of Laws (Honours),
  • New South Wales Law Society Member,
  • Sessional Academic at Western Sydney University


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