
$4m win for fraud­ster Melis­sa Caddick’s victims

The vic­tims of fraud­ster Melis­sa Cad­dick will be paid more than $4m after the Fed­er­al Court of Aus­tralia approved the biggest dis­tri­b­u­tion yet to those swin­dled by her dodgy invest­ment scheme.

A spe­cial thanks goes to Jones Part­ners, Bruce Glee­son, Daniel Soire, Mar­tin Vu and Vanes­sa Duck­worth who entrust­ed Michael Hayter and the team at Swaab to under­take all the legal work in the insol­ven­cy admin­is­tra­tion of Melis­sa Cad­dick, arguably the No. 1 insol­ven­cy admin­is­tra­tion over the past few years.

Michael Hayter appeared on behalf of Jones Part­ners in the Fed­er­al Court last week where­by Jus­tice Markovic approved a fur­ther dis­tri­b­u­tion to cred­i­tors in the Administration.

As was report­ed exten­sive­ly in the media last week Jones Part­ners are again pay­ing a div­i­dend to cred­i­tors mak­ing a total of $0.32 in the dol­lar with more to come, an extra­or­di­nary result in a Ponzi scheme insol­ven­cy administration. 

The legal issues have been both extreme­ly com­plex and rewarding.

Michael Hayter also acknowl­edges the team at Swaab, Kel­lie Van Mun­ster and Sonitha Naick­er for their ongo­ing invalu­able contributions.

To read the full arti­cle click here

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