
Mary Digiglio is quot­ed in the arti­cle Entre­pre­neur­ial, inde­pen­dent, nim­ble: small­er firms can thrive”, pub­lished in The Aus­tralian on 7 June 2022

In a fea­ture of The Aus­tralian ear­li­er this week, the find­ings of the 2022 Aus­tralian Part­ner­ship Sur­vey con­duct­ed by Eaton Strat­e­gy + Search, were pub­lished. The suc­cess sto­ry of Swaab was high­light­ed, prov­ing that small­er domes­tic firms play­ing in big-league mar­kets can carve out remark­able suc­cess if they are smart and well-structured.

Head­count is tight by choice, the deci­sion not to expand beyond Syd­ney is also by choice. Man­ag­ing Part­ner Mary Digiglio said, We are nim­ble, we can do what­ev­er we want, there is a rel­a­tive lack of red tape and we are only account­able to each oth­er” Mary went onto say, this adds up to the chance to make a dif­fer­ence”, Mary defines Swaab’s cul­ture, framed by the founder, as gen­eros­i­ty of spir­it”, the under­stand­ing that lawyers here can use their priv­i­leged posi­tion in life to do a lot of good and give a lit­tle bit of ourselves”.

To read the full arti­cle click here

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