
Swaab wel­comes two new graduates

Eliz­a­beth San­tifort and James Skel­ton will be under­tak­ing Swaab’s grad­u­ate pro­gram, includ­ing three six month rotations.

Swaab is delight­ed to announce the arrival of two new grad­u­ates. Eliz­a­beth San­tifort and James Skel­ton will be under­tak­ing Swaab’s grad­u­ate pro­gram, includ­ing three six month rota­tions. They fol­low in the foot­steps of two exist­ing grad­u­ates, Euge Pow­er and Tim Hard­wick who start­ed at Swaab in late 2013 and are now sup­port­ing our prop­er­ty and cor­po­rate teams, respectively.

Eliz­a­beth will be sup­port­ing our lit­i­ga­tion team dur­ing her first rota­tion. Hav­ing spent the last year work­ing as Tip­staff to the Hon Jus­tice Philip Hallen in the Equi­ty Divi­sion of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Eliz­a­beth has gained expe­ri­ence in a range of areas includ­ing Suc­ces­sion Act claims, con­test­ed Pro­bate cas­es and gen­er­al civ­il lit­i­ga­tion. Eliz­a­beth com­plet­ed a Juris Doc­tor (Hons) at the Uni­ver­si­ty of New South Wales in 2012 and was admit­ted to prac­tice in August 2013.

James has joined our IP and tech­nol­o­gy team for his ini­tial rota­tion. He joins us from the Fed­er­al Court of Aus­tralia, where he worked with the NSW and ACT Dis­trict Reg­is­trars, gain­ing invalu­able expe­ri­ence in the prac­tice and pro­ce­dure of the Court, which is the prin­ci­pal juris­dic­tion in which IP mat­ters are deter­mined. James also has expe­ri­ence with mat­ters in the Fed­er­al Cir­cuit Court and the Copy­right Tribunal.

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