
NSW: Labor Gov­ern­ment IR changes roundtable

With a new Labor gov­ern­ment elect­ed, and the recent Jobs Sum­mit, employ­ment law reform is firm­ly on the agen­da. Will there be a new IR Bill? Do Gig work­ers need addi­tion­al pro­tec­tions? What does a more broad imple­men­ta­tion of the Respect@Work rec­om­men­da­tions mean for your work­place? Will parental leave change? Employ­ment law expert Michael Byrnes will dis­cuss these ques­tions and what else the new gov­ern­ment might have in store to shake up employ­ment rela­tions and cre­ate more jobs. Join us for a round­table lunch at Swaab’s offices mod­er­at­ed by Sales­force Senior Direc­tor of Glob­al Employ­ment Law, Lori Middlehurst.

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